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economic development& JOBS

Creating an atmosphere where businesses want to expand means keeping burdensome government regulation out and keeping taxes lower.  It means working together to make Barren County bigger and better for every person living here.  It means increasing training opportunities for current open positions and bringing higher paying jobs to the community.I know how to build good jobs in this community as I have built several businesses right here.  If elected, I’ll work with other businesses and industry leaders to make sure good-paying jobs stay right here and are created here.  I want to ensure that our future generations face a bright future right here in Barren County.

Chemistry Class


Educating the leaders of tomorrow is paramount to maintaining a prosperous community.  Barren County is home to some of the best and brightest students as well as some of the best educators our state has to offer.School should be a SAFE place for our children to learn and grow – not having to face never-ending political fights from all sides.  I’ll never accept political indoctrination in our schools.

Police Cars

violence & crime

Our law enforcement officers, our firefighters, and our first responders continue to sacrifice so much to keep us safe, healthy, and protected.  They deserve nothing but our admiration and respect, and I will always stand firmly shoulder-to-shoulder with them.  I will never support any efforts to Defund any of these life-sustaining professions.

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city & county cooperation

It is critical that the County Government as well as the City Government work together.  I have worked with administrations on both sides of the political aisle at the state level, so I will effectively lead the county to work together with the city regardless of the politics.  The betterment of our community should be the main priority; this requires working together.  Strong leadership creating a strong partnership will benefit everyone.
A perfect example is our local Parks and Recreation Departments.  We need to do a better job of setting up local agreements between city and county departments so that all citizens can benefit.  Doing something as simple as this would allow unused fields to be used, provide much needed updates to some venues like parking, lighting, and restroom facilities.  The name of the game is unity—working together.

Road Constuction

roads, bridges & other projects

Our path to success is only as strong as the roads under our feet. We must continue investing in our infrastructure to further make Barren County a safe and effective place for businesses to operate and people to live.  It is imperative that we take more initiative in grant opportunities that provide valuable resources not only for infrastructure but for many other areas.  Missed grant opportunities are missed opportunities to put more people in well-paying jobs and are missed opportunities to improve our community.

Farmer with Cow


Our farmers continue to work hard everyday making sure that we have the food and materials we need to function and thrive.  Barren County has a robust agriculture community, and it is our job to support them.  We need to assist them in seeking the grants and programs they seek to continue their wonderful legacy.  We also need to bring in businesses that will not only support the agriculture community but ones that will use their produce, crops, and goods.

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©2021 by Jamie Bewley Byrd for County Judge Executive
Paid for by Jamie Bewley Byrd for County Judge Executive

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